Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, what do you do...?

 I have a detailed job description. However, it is not always easy to communicate it to to others. So, for the sake of communicability, I have distilled it into four words. The four words at least create a skeleton that I can use to discuss the nature of what I am up to. So, with that in mind..
Here goes.

National Campus Ministries Coordinator

Vision. The vision for PAOC campus ministry has historically risen “from the bottom up”. The role of Missions Canada is to distil it, communicate it, and keep it in front of the churches, districts and campus ministries. We will create consistency across the country and ensure that the great “stories” of what God is doing and saying are heard. They deserve our audience.

Equipping. Equipping involves creating structures and means for campus ministers to grow in knowledge and skills in their specific tasks, according to their unique contexts. Each ministry brings a lot to the table and would have a huge role in equipping the larger whole. This will be of particular help to new campus works. It means enlisting and equipping workers by providing or facilitating training where it is required. It also includes the equipping of churches and district and bible colleges to facilitate the planting and growth of campus ministries.

Networking. There is a need for campus ministers to network with the greater whole (including churches, Bible colleges/seminaries, districts and other campus ministries) at local, district and national levels. Most of our campus ministers would agree that there is incredible synergy when they have an opportunity to connect and share their experience and gifts with each other, as well as the Church. Our role is to help facilitate networking so that it is more intentional, frequent and productive.

Support. Support involves raising financial, spiritual and practical support on behalf of the campus ministries. As missional ventures, they are rarely able to “pay their way” on the front end. As well as personal pastoral support, we will also help build enduring structures with the collaboration of the broader Fellowship, to ensure the continuity of ministry over time.

While this description is not exhaustive, it states about as succinctly as I can what I am trying to do. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So it is. It is also true that a word is worth a thousand pictures.

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