Friday, September 11, 2009

Clubs Days at MAC

I just spent a chunk of the morning two days ago at McMaster University ( affectionately known around these parts as MAC) where I hung out with our own Dave Slater of LIFT Church. They are running both a student club and a student church ( which also has an intergenerational gathering Sunday am). Check it out at 

You may know the energy of Clubs Day. There were around two hundred booths outside of the Student Centre with thousands of students milling about. The weather was perfect. Not only was it like the U.N., but it was a microcosm of planet earth. There were political, religious, sports, cultural, racial, academic, activity, humanitarian, environmental - and whatever else you could imagine- kind of groups. And there was LIFT right in the middle of it. They had a thousand student packs made up for free distribution at their table and had given them all away in 90 minutes. That's right, by 10:35 they were all gone and the morning was just picking up steam. Fortunately they were not out of their invitation cards and they had a raffle going on that gathered names and addresses.

What was great this year was Dave did not have to be front and centre. He had a great group of students driving the engine, so he was able to engage in a number of strategic, relationship building talks with students. I didn't bring a camera, but I got him to take some shots. Since he was the one who took them, I am afraid he didn’t get into the picture. Too bad. The more I get to know Dave, the more I admire him.

On a personal note, I think you know what it is to feel God's heart for the campus. When you look around and see the mass of humanity that Jesus bought and paid for, and the myriad of options they have before them at this point in their lives, it is absolutely critical that we are there. I am grateful that we are.

I used to assume that other people were like me. When I am on a university campus, surrounded by the crush of students who are preparing themselves for the rest of their journey on earth, with all of its promise and potential, I start to shake inside. I can “feel” God’s heart. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the size of the challenge, so it is important to use it for positive motivation. It is a big part of why we do what we do. It is an expression of the heart of God.

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